Preparing Knits for Etsy

Hello Earthlings!

It is SO cold here on the Island.  With the wind chill, it is -29 C!  I’m currently sitting in the studio with the wind raging against this West facing (drafty) window. I’m wearing an angora rabbit wool sweater I found at the thrift store with a sheep’s wool over that. On the stove, rice and squash water is simmering away so the chickens can have a warm meal before I close them up in their coop for the rest of the day.  I even tried to take Henry for a walk but it was brutal, we walked until she did her business and then we ran back to the house!  My nose is chapped and I’m smothered in my calendula salve, such is life in a cold climate.

But for now, I am content with rosemary and frankincense in my diffuser, the music of Hildegard von Bingen floating throughout the house and a cup of black tea.  Petey’s made himself comfortable on my lap so I’m stuck here now!

I wanted to share with you my creative process of making listings for our knit items for our etsy shop!  We have many new items knit by myself, Meaghan and our Mom.  I am responsible for doing the photography, making the listings and shipping the items out so have the freedom to show you the process ❤

To welcome February and celebrate the turning of the wheel, we have 16 new items in the shop!  One Icelandic Sweater that I finished in January, 13 pairs of freshly knit fingerless mittens, a pair of soft double knit snowflake mittens in brown and ivory and lastly a decorative fairisle scarf.

Once this work is complete, Jamie and I take Henry out to the beach or the woods and do some photography for the items.  This weekend, the forecast is calling for absurdly cold temperatures for exposed fingers.  We might be having a stay in weekend with the exception of getting wood from the wood pile and checking on the hens.

Below are a few pictures I took of the indoor process.  I hope you enjoy!


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Walked home through the fields to our house, Ways of Wood Folk Home Base ❤
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A helper ❤
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Making Process – I chose to make several with an accent of pink
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rose with neutrals ❤ Soft knits
New Items to be handled  ❤
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Singer and Snowflake Mitts
Pangur Ban inspired fingerless mitts (knit by Meaghan)
Orange Pekoe and styling the sweater (way too much caffeine for me today!)
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SO many fingerless mitts! Meaghan made 8 pairs and I made 5
My photography studio ❤ (aka our bedroom and my favourite spot)
Bedroom details… a postcard from Iceland and thrift store mirror
My work space 😉 Too much tea so a giant jar of water
My Gunnar’s Daughter design, prepping for the shop posting
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Workspace ❤ and new sweater for the shop
After photographs are up, each item must be measured. It’s a cold day
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Desk Details ❤
measuring the sweater


16 thoughts on “Preparing Knits for Etsy

    1. Thank you so much ❤ ❤

      I just got a new phone that has a very good camera on it, so it's becoming a lot easier to take nicer photos regardless of the freezing temperatures. We have another very cold one today and are doing our best to keep this old house warm!


  1. Oh my heart. I love seeinsg these glimpses into your life and your perfect knits. Gets me so inspired! The pattern you’ve designed on that sweater is wonderful!
    Stay cosy xx
    {Comparing to you, we live in the desert! But I’m freezing…}


    1. Hi Meredith,

      Thanks so much! I saw your order come in and will be getting them out to you as soon as I make it into town this week! I really hope you will like them and they will bring you warmth and happiness


    1. Thank you for reading Colleen!

      My world is your world too! But thank you so much, I like to try to capture something fleetingly beautiful in the mundane or everyday of our lives


  2. Beautiful post, Julia. Love how you surround yourself with such life-giving things: Hildegard’s music (isn’t it the best???), tea, essential oils, and kitty loving.


      1. I had her music on all day yesterday while I sat at my tapestry loom. 🎶 Helped keep me in the meditative space while Spirit worked through me weaving each warp and weft thread.


    1. Hi Line!

      Thank you very much 🙂

      Sadly, I do not have any of my patterns in a presentable published form, I am sorry!

      But thank you very much for the kind compliment,



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