Quarantine Moon 🌕

Pink Moon over the Northumberland Strait

Oh dear friends, I hope you are well!  Our reality has been shattered over the course of the past month.  A reality that so many of us had been living as if drifting through a dream.   Glued to smart phones, taking simple liberties for granted. Now in the face of a pandemic, what really matters has come into focus.   Food, shelter, loved ones, nature. Yes, nature.  Finally, she has been given a chance to take some deep and healthful breaths.

Living in the sunroom

Today, I’m sitting with the sun on my back.  Pangur and Henry are curled up with me while we peek out through potted plant friends at the blue jays who have been curiously pecking at the seed in the gardens. A tray of recently planted tomatoes, flowers and herbs are stretching toward the sun.  The chimes are gently singing.  The sound of distant trucks and airplanes strikingly absent.


How have you been during this crisis?  The first couple of weeks I felt like I was living in a state of emergency.  Bewitched by making as much food as possible.  The apocalypse upon us!    I was glued to reading the news and worrying incessantly.  Worrying about older populations, health workers, grocery store clerks.  What would come next?  Somehow, I’ve always anticipated something big happening in our lifetime (never imagining this) – I’ve always felt an urgency to grow our own food, make our own clothes, find simple entertainment.  This instinct to me was always bigger than just to lower our impact on the planet and connect with our ancestors – it was also rooted in the possibility of societal collapse.  A sense that we shouldn’t rely on the system to provide everything for us.  Here we are… friends, I don’t mean to scare you.  I do trust that everyone in this time will be helped if they need it – whether it’s from the government, neighbours or community groups – but I do consider it a major wake up call that we need to take more of our lives back.

Starting seeds

How have I been going about?  Well… food preparation has been my main focus during our quarantine.  We have eating better than ever before.  Every couple of days, I devote the entire day to making breads and various bean dishes.  Baked beans, Refried beans, Bean burger patties and my absolute favourite, a ton of homemade hummus.  I have been so energized from our diet as well as soaking up as much sun as I possibly can, ignoring anti-aging rules and just feeling drunk from the golden disc.  How is it that during this time, I’m feeling more alive, healthier and hopeful for the future? I’m excited about such simple things like the homemade pizza on the horizon and the pumpkin seeds tucked away in a rickety drawer.

Cinnamon Buns
Treats for happiness – Amish Cinnamon buns

And then there is drawing, art, quilting, reading, watching new shows.  I’ve been reading more books than I have in the past couple of years.  This is like coming home to me!  To be wrapped in a book, sitting with an animal.  Reading is such an enriching way to spend your time.  I recently finished a couple of books and have been living in “Middlesex” by Jeffrey Eugenides.  I piled all of the books that we possess and that I’ve never read.  There are many.  Seeing the pile makes me so excited and I sit among them deciding… who’s next?  I am actually unable to balance being stuck in my smartphone with reading books, so lately my phone has been used just to talk to my family and friends, otherwise cast aside for the sake of paper, typeset and my imagination.   Something so foreign now to our new world order.

Who is next :D! 

My knitting has been interesting lately.  I’m making 2 sweaters, so many socks and mittens.  The shop is currently shut down of all physical items in order to maintain the social distancing order as well as avoid any lost packages due to the covid-19 outbreak (I mean.. we have had lost packages when everything was business as usual so I foresaw just avoiding post system all together at this time).  This is really giving me the time to experiment.  Take things out and start again.  Knitting with 0 pressure is so wonderful!  And once our world has reconfigured itself into post Covid-19, there will be many woolen goodies to set out on their journeys 😊

In addition to knitting and reading, I have been taking so much joy in drawing.  Drawing is one of my first loves.  I looked at pictures before I could read and hence, drew since I was probably 2. Its always been an escape for me – something that really engages those parts of my brain that so badly need to be activated.  It’s the closest I’ve ever come to feeling true meditative states.  My favourite subject matter is our natural world.  Something that I can observe in our environment and get lost in the details and wonder of this universe.  This recent drawing is an expansive violet stretching out into the night sky with the moon phases beneath in her roots.  Moths flank the moons.  Next, I want to just do a few studies of some of the crystals and pinecones that stand on our window sills.  These subjects allow me to zone out, get lost in some music and observe the mystery and wonder of our natural world.

A new design using local rustic wool  to be up in the shop sometime in the future, perhaps in the fall
a finished drawing and matching sock and mitten pattern
The beginnings of my first quilt – inspired by both my Mom and the Amish ❤
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Drawing to connect with the natural world, the essence of our being
Before I decided to add the black
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My working corner in the sun room – so incredibly grateful for this space
I have a few pair of these slipper socks made with local wool to go up in the shop when the time allows ❤
Working sunroom ❤
In all your imperfections, I love you very much 🙂

Currently on Prince Edward Island, we are aware of 22 cases, 8 of which are considered recovered.  The province is shut down but for essential services and we can still walk in the forests as long as we maintain social distancing.  I’m feeling so grateful at present to have this little plot of land out in the countryside on this island.  Last night, we drove to the Northumberland Strait to watch the full moon rise.  It was so beautiful.  Clouds only floated to the south horizon.  The moon rose like a ghost above the cold blue water.  I made a thermos of Turmeric milk for Jamie and I. For the whole hour, I completely forgot about what’s happening in our world.  Just enamored with the beauty of our planet and skies.   Counting my lucky stars that we are still able to sit freely with the sun setting on our backs.

Wood Islands Light House – this is the light house that greets you at the PEI Ferry.  It’s one of my favourite examples of vernacular architecture on the East Coast ❤  Wouldn’t you just love to have that room up there to paint and look out to see :)?
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Thermos of tea at the beach
The monk has emerged from the snow!  A good sign after a long winter.
moss plant
a moss plant experiment ❤
Beautiful Blue Echeveria – the tips of the leaves are pink ❤
Sun room in the evening – can you see the cut outs of tulips ?

Thank you so much for checking in here in our little isolated corner.  I really hope everyone is doing well in these difficult times.  Please, take care of your mental health – take Omega’s, if you can, go for a walk and try something other than being totally immersed in social media and the news.  A puzzle, colouring, a book, an old movie, seriously anything.  Just like the earth is taking a deep breath and healing right now, we can too if we choose to give our minds a break. Create, make food, call a loved one!

Love & Light



A place to sit, knit and read (The 2 plants beside Hugo are the blue echevaria and a Gollum’s Finger Jade – grown from a single leaf)






18 thoughts on “Quarantine Moon 🌕

  1. Dear Julia,

    You are so insightful! You write a wonderful blog and your drawings are magnificent! Also, I love the new mittens you are designing!! Keep on doing what you are doing! You have the right idea of how we should all lead our lives!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello Julia! I am SO glad to hear you are doing well through this enchanting and positive posting. I too have been thoroughly enjoying the opening up of time and space to live more fully in the moment, flow in the song of life, and reflect on what is truly important. Meditation, nature, healthy food, reading, knitting, making art, and lots of kitty loving – YES, all these and more! Life has been simplified for us – time for a global reality check. My heart goes out to all those who are suffering from the effects of the pandemic. We will all get through this and the world will be a much better place for us all on the other side of this. Until then it is critical to remain positive, calm, and peaceful. Blessings, Light and Love to you, your family and to all those who read your blog. Thank you for spreading the joy! Oh, I finished the woodland mittens and have matted/framed the Home painting. Lots of nesting going on around here!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Bonnie 🙂

      Did you notice the Violet in my drawing 🙂 I was practicing and decided to do a pen and ink stylized study before hitting the water colours for our fox! But now I’m drawn to the moss, crystals and pinecones that line my window sills (I put some moss in a pot, it’s looking very healthy also!)

      We WILL get through this. We will get through and with it, some crucial and much needed changes will hopefully accompany this journey. I have been watching some very interesting astrological videos that were made years ago about this particular time – predicting huge changes. Although it can be very difficult for some right now to be positive, for those grieving or struggling, we need to stay positive for them. There is a light at the end of all of this.

      I just saw your woodland mitten photo and I love them! You always choose such great colour combinations 🙂 Thanks for sharing a positive review too on our shop, it’s always a huge help ❤

      I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. I am reading about New York and am thinking of you. P.S. your Iceland Volcanic stone story is amazing – I'm adding it to some fairy lore that I'm collecting right now! I would so love to see a picture of the stone!!


      1. Yes, I DID notice the violets – they are BEAUTIFUL 💜💜💜!!!!!

        Thank you for your kind comments on my mittens. Color has always been a strong point for me – artistically and energetically. Actually those were left over skeins of Lett Lopi that I’ve had for over 25 years!!! And thanks for your concern about me in NY. I live in a rural area on the western end of the state. We’re doing fine here.

        I will privately email you a photo of the stone. And I’d love to hear more about your faerie lore collection!

        Be well, my dear. Let’s keep shining the Light for others to see the way through this and into a new world 🌎. Old ways must pass away In order for the new ways to be birthed.


  3. We’ve also noticed a shift to a healthier diet. Since 80%-90% of people who get infected with coronavirus recover by themselves without stays at a hospital, we figured that we wanted to make sure we were in that percentile. So boost your immune system with fresh fruit, veg, vitamins and outdoor exercise made so much nicer by reduced air pollution! 😀

    As for having nothing to do that so many people are struggling with… well, I’m still at work – from home. I don’t think my boss would appreciate it if I complained of being bored and having nothing to do… But of course I’m one of the lucky ones – I still have a job! So many people are out of work because of this pandemic. That’s far worse than a mild case of COVID-19.

    Like you say, count your blessings and find something better to do than complain. 😀 Why do we need a crisis to remember this?


    1. I completely agree, my hope is that everyone who finds themselves out of work right now will be compensated by the government in some way – this is really a solid example of why we need universal basic income. I have closed down our shop but am still very fortunate because my partner can work from home, just like you!

      We also added some vitamins to our diet! In addition to a lot of very basic foods like a lot more oats and beans, mainly because of their shelf life as well as how healthy they are. I feel such a vital change in my energy levels (accompanied by the longer days and increase in Vitamin D) but I think it’s mainly linked to our improved diet. I hope you’ve been feeling the same!

      Stay safe and be well ❤ <3!! Enjoy those walks with the birds 🙂


  4. You are so talented in many ways but your illustrations are simply amazing!

    Sent from my iPhone



  5. Thank you for this lovely post! Your writing and photos made me feel calm. It lessen the anxiety caused by this pandemic. I love your home. And yes, we all need some diversion to ease the fear and panic. Love your ideas! Might go back to reading, my former love. Stay safe always! Sending love from the Philippines.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much ❤

      oh please go back to reading! That escape that takes us into our imaginative mind and away from the screen can breathe new life into us !

      Sending you love to the Philippines ❤


  6. Thank you so much for this blogpost. Normally I don’t write comments but I really wanted you to now how much I appreciate your posts and especially this one. I also feel very excited to knit, read, make music and start all the projects I’ve always hoped to do. I hear a lot of people talk about being bored so it is nice to now I’m not the only one who isn’t. I sometimes feel a little bit out of place for loving knitting whilst being 17 but your work always makes me feel inspired.

    Kind regards and best wishes from the Netherlands (apologies for the grammatical errors)


    1. Hi Alice,

      Thank you so much for stopping in and sharing your sweet thoughts ❤

      I'm very happy to hear that you enjoy the simpler, quieter things! I was the same when I was 17… I always remember making up reasons to not go out because I was really enjoying whatever book I was reading or wanting to just get lost watching Jane Austen films! Then, I didn't have many resources to see that others were the same around the world, so you are really growing up in a special time! Know that you are absolutely not alone ❤ ❤ ❤

      All the best and many blessings 🙂



    1. Hi,

      Oh my goodness, I must apologize for the very late response! Thank you very much – he actually came from Homesense and is similar to the Japanese Jizo statues – check them out, they are so sweet!


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